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St. Peter the Apostle Appeal 2022

St. Peter the Apostle Appeal 2022

Dear Friends,


I have been praying that 2022 will be the year that people from all around the world have their lives return to normal. This recent pandemic has gripped the entire globe and has held people, churches, communities, and employers as hostages. The good news is that we have learned to come together to help save lives and to make extraordinary sacrifices to keep family members, friends, and neighbours safe and healthy.


Despite nearly three years of listening to world news focusing on the pandemic, there are other good news stories. I recently read that, in 2019, the world’s population was approximately 7.580 billion and in 2002, it was approximately 6.220 billion. During this period of 17 years, the number of identified Catholics increased from 1.070 billion to approximately 1.344 billion.


I am very pleased to learn that Catholics are dramatically increasing worldwide. This demonstrates that the relentless work of missionary Priests, Religious Sisters, and Brothers, of spreading the gospel of Christ, is reaching millions of people throughout the world.


We must continue to provide our steadfast support for missionaries working in challenging regions and making sacrifices. This shows that one’s Faith and determination can make a difference.


“It was also Peter who, after Pentecost, risked his life to do the Lord’s work, speaking boldly of his faith in Jesus”.


Like St. Peter the Apostle, these faithful and dedicated missionary Priests, Religious Sisters, and Brothers, have been serving the Lord and providing tremendous leadership and commitment that has resulted in this amazing growth in the number of Catholics worldwide. The Holy Father’s mission of evangelization and spreading the gospel of Jesus is being truly accomplished.


Supporting seminaries demonstrates your Faith!


Investing in seminaries must continue in different parts of the world. As the number of people congregate and come together to learn about Christ, the need to build new churches and train more priests and religious follow. As Christians, we must continue to grow and evangelize all around the world…this is very positive news!


St. Augustine’s Millennium Seminary is in Tamale, Ghana. The number of priests graduating from this seminary grows every year, but unfortunately, there is no regular running water. As a result, seminarians make countless trips to fetch water from streams, and this daily routine has been going on for years. The seminary is, therefore, seeking financial help to drill water boreholes.


Fortunately, heavy-duty equipment to drill boreholes in northern Ghana has become more accessible.


Missionaries do not have much and live simple lives, let’s help them have access to fresh water.


Drilling a borehole will provide fresh water to the seminary and also benefit the local villagers. It is an important project that needs your support. Fresh water is the lifeblood in any community. Please donate generously through St. Peter the Apostle Society to provide clean water to St. Augustine’s Millennium Seminary. Thank you, may the good Lord bless and keep you.


Yours in the service of Christ,
Rev. Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp.
National Director

CEP 4th Centenary Anniversary

CEP 4th Centenary Anniversary

Pontifical Mission Societies


400 Years of Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP)

The Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples celebrates the fourth centenary of its foundation. Since 1622, the Church’s missionary work had been organized and coordinated at the world level by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in collaboration with many religious orders and congregations and with the local Churches. At the Vatican Council, the role of the Congregation was affirmed, and it was renamed the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

200 Years of the Society for the Propagation of Faith

On May 3, 2022, the Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of Faith (POPF) will celebrate two major milestones. It will mark the 200th anniversary of its foundation as the Association of the Propagation of Faith and the 100th anniversary of its Pontifical status, conferred by Pope Pius XI in his Motu Proprio Romanorum Pontificum, thus confirming the missionary spirit of the Society and its important service to the universal Church. By the same Motu Proprio, the Holy Father also conferred Pontifical to the Society of the Holy Childhood and the Society of St. Peter the Apostle.

Our foundress, Pauline Jaricot will be beatified on May 22, 2022, in Lyon, France

100 Years of Pontifical Statues Propagation of Faith (POF), Holy Childhood Association (HCA), and St. Peter the Apostle (SPA)

The Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of Faith, the Pontifical Mission Society of Holy Childhood, and the Pontifical Mission Society of St. Peter the Apostle were made Pontifical in 1922. These Societies were made Pontifical by Pope Pius XI at the centenary celebration of the Society for the Propagation of Faith.

150th Birthday of Father Paolo Manna, founder of PMU

Rev. Fr. Paolo Manna (16 January 1872 – 15 September 1952) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions as well as the founder of the Pontifical Missionary Union of Priests and Religious. He was passionate about promoting the missions, evangelic, and Apostolic life.

He was Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2001.

2022 SPA Appeal

2022 SPA Appeal

Dear Friends,


I have been praying that 2022 will be the year that people from all around the world have their lives return to normal. This recent pandemic has gripped the entire globe and has held people, churches, communities, and employers as hostages. The good news is that we have learned to come together to help save lives and to make extraordinary sacrifices to keep family members, friends, and neighbours safe and healthy.


Despite nearly three years of listening to world news focusing on the pandemic, there are other good news stories. I recently read that, in 2019, the world’s population was approximately 7.580 billion and in 2002, it was approximately 6.220 billion. During this period of 17 years, the number of identified Catholics increased from 1.070 billion to approximately 1.344 billion.


I am very pleased to learn that Catholics are dramatically increasing worldwide. This demonstrates that the relentless work of missionary Priests, Religious Sisters, and Brothers, of spreading the gospel of Christ, is reaching millions of people throughout the world.


We must continue to provide our steadfast support for missionaries working in challenging regions and making sacrifices. This shows that one’s Faith and determination can make a difference.


“It was also Peter who, after Pentecost, risked his life to do the Lord’s work, speaking boldly of his faith in Jesus”.


Like St. Peter the Apostle, these faithful and dedicated missionary Priests, Religious Sisters, and Brothers, have been serving the Lord and providing tremendous leadership and commitment that has resulted in this amazing growth in the number of Catholics worldwide. The Holy Father’s mission of evangelization and spreading the gospel of Jesus is being truly accomplished.


Supporting seminaries demonstrates your Faith!


Investing in seminaries must continue in different parts of the world. As the number of people congregate and come together to learn about Christ, the need to build new churches and train more priests and religious follow. As Christians, we must continue to grow and evangelize all around the world…this is very positive news!


St. Augustine’s Millennium Seminary is in Tamale, Ghana. The number of priests graduating from this seminary grows every year, but unfortunately, there is no regular running water. As a result, seminarians make countless trips to fetch water from streams, and this daily routine has been going on for years. The seminary is, therefore, seeking financial help to drill water boreholes.


Fortunately, heavy-duty equipment to drill boreholes in northern Ghana has become more accessible.


Missionaries do not have much and live simple lives, let’s help them have access to fresh water.


Drilling a borehole will provide fresh water to the seminary and also benefit the local villagers. It is an important project that needs your support. Fresh water is the lifeblood in any community. Please donate generously through St. Peter the Apostle Society to provide clean water to St. Augustine’s Millennium Seminary. Thank you, may the good Lord bless and keep you.


Yours in the service of Christ,
Rev. Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp.
National Director

CEP 4th Centenary Anniversary

CEP 4th Centenary Anniversary

Pontifical Mission Societies


400 Years of Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP)

The Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples celebrates the fourth centenary of its foundation. Since 1622, the Church’s missionary work had been organized and coordinated at the world level by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in collaboration with many religious orders and congregations and with the local Churches. At the Vatican Council, the role of the Congregation was affirmed, and it was renamed the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

200 Years of the Society for the Propagation of Faith

On May 3, 2022, the Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of Faith (POPF) will celebrate two major milestones. It will mark the 200th anniversary of its foundation as the Association of the Propagation of Faith and the 100th anniversary of its Pontifical status, conferred by Pope Pius XI in his Motu Proprio Romanorum Pontificum, thus confirming the missionary spirit of the Society and its important service to the universal Church. By the same Motu Proprio, the Holy Father also conferred Pontifical to the Society of the Holy Childhood and the Society of St. Peter the Apostle.

Our foundress, Pauline Jaricot will be beatified on May 22, 2022, in Lyon, France

100 Years of Pontifical Statues Propagation of Faith (POF), Holy Childhood Association (HCA), and St. Peter the Apostle (SPA)

The Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of Faith, the Pontifical Mission Society of Holy Childhood, and the Pontifical Mission Society of St. Peter the Apostle were made Pontifical in 1922. These Societies were made Pontifical by Pope Pius XI at the centenary celebration of the Society for the Propagation of Faith.

150th Birthday of Father Paolo Manna, founder of PMU

Rev. Fr. Paolo Manna (16 January 1872 – 15 September 1952) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions as well as the founder of the Pontifical Missionary Union of Priests and Religious. He was passionate about promoting the missions, evangelic, and Apostolic life.

He was Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2001.



In 2022, three of the four Pontifical Mission Societies will mark important anniversaries.

It will mark the bicentennial of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, founded by the Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot and
the centennial of Pope Pius XI’s motu proprio Romanorum Pontificum designating three of the four Societies as Pontifical: Propagation of the Faith, Holy Childhood, and St. Peter the Apostle for the formation of indigenous clergy in mission territories.

Pope Francis, in his message, addressed the Pontifical Mission Societies during their General Assembly in 2020, reaffirmed that the Societies “were recognized by the Church of Rome and her Bishops, who in the last century sought to adopt them as a unique expression of their own service to the universal Church.”

In this way, the Societies received the “Pontifical” designation and from that moment on, their fundamental feature was to be an instrument of service in support of particular Churches, in their task of proclaiming the Gospel. The Pontifical Mission Societies continue to offer themselves with docility as an instrument of service to the Church, within the universal ministry carried out by the Pope and by the Church of Rome, which ‘presides in charity”.

The Pontifical Mission Societies are committed to encouraging the participation of all the baptized in their international network of prayer, formation, and charity at the service of the Holy Father in his solicitude for the proclamation of the Gospel and the growth of the Young Churches in mission territories. Indeed, the Holy Father reminds us in the same message that the “Missionary Societies, which in time became a network spread throughout the world, mirror in their own configuration the variety of accents, situations, problems, and gifts that characterize the life of the Church in the various parts of the world. …. In this sense, the PMS reflect the mystery of the universality of the Church, in which the incessant work of the Holy Spirit creates harmony from different voices, even as the Bishop of Rome, in his service of charity, exercised also
through the Pontifical Mission Societies, safeguards unity in faith.


“Two hundred years since its foundation and one hundred years as Pontifical
mean first of all an enormous contribution to
the mission of the Church and to the foundation of new Churches”

(The Most Rev. Giampetro Dal Toso – President of the PMS)


Father Tadeusz Jan Nowak

Sister Roberta Tremarelli

Father Guy Bognon

Father Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen

VATICAN – Cardinal Tagle: “Mission is to share the love received from God, out of pure gratitude”

VATICAN – Cardinal Tagle: “Mission is to share the love received from God, out of pure gratitude”

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “The Holy Father in the Message for World Mission Day of 2021, taken from the Acts of the Apostles, brings together the mission and the human experience of the mercy of Christ: he wants to tell us that there is no dichotomy nor separation between what we call spirituality and the work of the apostolate”: This is what Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, said in an interview with Agenzia Fides, commenting on the Message for Missionary World Day 2021, published today by the Holy See, entitled “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). “Spirituality – explains the Cardinal – means having a profound experience in one’s life of the merciful love of God, given to us in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, with his love for us, became one of us, our brother, the one who embraced our frailties, our labors and our dreams, our joys and hopes, as said in Gaudium et Spes. And, as Pope Francis recalls, when a person is loved, when he experiences being loved, as happened with the apostles, he cannot keep it for himself, but wants to share it: it is a beautiful and precious fact and thus becomes mission”.
The Prefect continues: “The mission is therefore intimately linked to the love of Christ. It is not a job, it is not a human work, sometimes even felt as a heavy task, like a burden, but it springs from gratitude. It is a response of gratitude for the love received from God.
Embraced and enveloped by the love of God, we want to share this love especially with those who do not feel loved, who feel abandoned, rejected, with those who live in the existential peripheries. We who have experienced God’s love, we who have listened and welcomed the Gospel of love, share it with our neighbor, with hearts overflowing with gratitude”.
Another aspect that Pope Francis touches on in the Message is that of compassion: “Compassion – remarks Cardinal Tagle – is one of the ways to show the wounded humanity today, in the difficult times we live in, the face of God’s love.
To proclaim the Gospel today, the language understood by humanity is that of charity and compassion: it is one of the aspects for sharing God’s love. Many people in the world were already fragile, marginalized, vulnerable before the pandemic. Today their situation has worsened: for this reason communicating, with our life, the presence and compassion of Christ will bring them consolation and new hope. The Pope calls us in the Message to be ‘missionaries of hope’, in a world that is so much in need of kindness, hospitality, mercy, fraternity. The mission is to carry out every action of life with the spirit of the Eucharist, it is to live a life of gratitude and thanksgiving to God. It is to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the greatest gift we have received, and that gift bears fruit: we ourselves are the fruit of his Spirit and of his presence, we are those who bring the priceless gift of his love to the world”.
Finally, the Prefect of Propaganda Fide wants to remember, in his conversation with Fides, the value of the missio ad gentes and of those who give their lives to carry it out: “Missionaries are those people who, to share the love of God, leave their security, the comfort of their life and go to the peripheries of the world, among the poorest and most disadvantaged people, among the suffering and the needy, witnessing with their life that God is love, and that he loves and gives himself to every creature. Missionaries are those who, like the apostles, cannot keep for themselves the love they have experienced: the Spirit pushes them to the ends of the earth to announce it and give it to those who need it most, to those who suffer and are desperate, to those who do not know him and have not experienced the immense love of Christ. Today, while the whole world is going through very difficult challenges such as that of the pandemic, Christ’s mission continues through each of us: where the mostneedy are, there are also missionaries, ready to console wounded hearts, in the name of Christ Jesus”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides)