CEP 4th Centenary Anniversary

CEP 4th Centenary Anniversary

Pontifical Mission Societies


400 Years of Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP)

The Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples celebrates the fourth centenary of its foundation. Since 1622, the Church’s missionary work had been organized and coordinated at the world level by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in collaboration with many religious orders and congregations and with the local Churches. At the Vatican Council, the role of the Congregation was affirmed, and it was renamed the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

200 Years of the Society for the Propagation of Faith

On May 3, 2022, the Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of Faith (POPF) will celebrate two major milestones. It will mark the 200th anniversary of its foundation as the Association of the Propagation of Faith and the 100th anniversary of its Pontifical status, conferred by Pope Pius XI in his Motu Proprio Romanorum Pontificum, thus confirming the missionary spirit of the Society and its important service to the universal Church. By the same Motu Proprio, the Holy Father also conferred Pontifical to the Society of the Holy Childhood and the Society of St. Peter the Apostle.

Our foundress, Pauline Jaricot will be beatified on May 22, 2022, in Lyon, France

100 Years of Pontifical Statues Propagation of Faith (POF), Holy Childhood Association (HCA), and St. Peter the Apostle (SPA)

The Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of Faith, the Pontifical Mission Society of Holy Childhood, and the Pontifical Mission Society of St. Peter the Apostle were made Pontifical in 1922. These Societies were made Pontifical by Pope Pius XI at the centenary celebration of the Society for the Propagation of Faith.

150th Birthday of Father Paolo Manna, founder of PMU

Rev. Fr. Paolo Manna (16 January 1872 – 15 September 1952) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions as well as the founder of the Pontifical Missionary Union of Priests and Religious. He was passionate about promoting the missions, evangelic, and Apostolic life.

He was Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2001.