New Year’s Message from the National Director

New Year’s Message from the National Director

The dawning of a new year, as with any new beginning, is a perfect time to recall the mission to which each one of us is called. The words of Saint Pope John Paul II offer us insight: “Our own time, with humanity on the move and in continual search, demands a resurgence of the Church’s missionary activity. The horizons and possibilities for mission are growing even wider, and we Christians are called to an apostolic courage based upon trust in the Spirit.” (Redemptoris Missio, 30).

It is this conviction that has spurred the Pontifical Mission Societies onward – from the foundation of our first society by Blessed Pauline Jaricot in 1822 to the work we are called to do today. The mission of Christ the Redeemer, entrusted to the Church, is still far from completion. It must be renewed in our hearts daily.

Charles de Foucauld, founder of the Little Brothers of Jesus, wrote: “All our life, however silent it is… must be a witness of the Good News through example; our whole existence, whatever we are, must shout the Good News from the rooftops!” What Good News? That Jesus has come as one of us, has died, has risen and invites us — each and all of us — to the fullness of life now and forever. The past has been redeemed! We can stop being afraid. God is here.

In the dark days of winter, fear, distress or illness, our own lives can sometimes seem “silent” as Saint Charles de Foucauld describes. But we are still called upon to shout the Good News in whatever way we can.

How do we shout the Good News? We can join in solidarity with missionaries far from home and with the people they serve. Let us support them with our prayers and offerings and sufferings carried in our steadfast and hope-filled faith. In the years that I have spent working with the societies, I have been more convinced of the outstanding contribution they have made to the proclamation of the Gospel and to the nurturing of faith in every corner of our world.

We have perhaps no better example of prayer for the missions than in St. Therese of the Child Jesus. To her we ask:

Dear Little Flower of Lisieux, how wonderful was the short life you led. Though cloistered, you went far and wide through fervent prayers and great sufferings. You obtained from God untold help and graces for his evangelists.

Help all missionaries and teach all of us to spread Christianity in our own neighborhoods and family circles. Amen.

Thank you for your support for the missions. We pray we can continue to rely on each other in 2024 as we spread Christ’s love and act as witnesses to all.

Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp.

National Director